Judging at Penrith Show
Penrith Show Date

Privacy Statement

Penrith Agricultural Society is committed to protecting the privacy of persons visiting our website or interacting with the Society.  Your details will never be sold to third parties.

This document will tell you what data is kept by the Society and for what purpose.  You have the right to ask what data we have for you or to ask to be removed from our database by writing to:

Penrith Show Secretary
c/o Dodd & Co
FIFTEEN Rosehill
Montgomery Way

Or by email: [email protected]

Persons who have not interacted with the Society for 10 years will have their data deleted as a matter of course.  If you have placed as an exhibitor, your name will be held on winner’s records without contact details.

All Data collected by the Society if for the purpose of the running of Penrith Show and the Society itself.  This data will be kept on Society Computers with a backup disc.  No copies of bank account data or Credit/Debit card details will be kept other than on a bank statement.


All Members will have contact information held on our database.  This is purely for correspondence purposes and a record of paid memberships.  Payment details such as credit card numbers will not be held at all.  Your name will be listed in the Show Guide under “Members”, but no further details are given.

Paper copies of data will be destroyed once loaded onto the Society Computer.


All Exhibitors will have contact information held on our database for the purpose of correspondence.  Classes entered will also be held until contact information is deleted.  Paper copies will be kept until after the current year’s show, after which it will be destroyed.

Exhibitors names will be listed in the Show Guide under classes entered.  They will also be listed in “Results” if placed and this information given to the press as well as on our website and Social Media.  Contact details will not be published.

Contact details may given to relevant Breed Societies when requested along with results.  Government agencies may also request information about Exhibitors e.g. ARAMs or DEFRA.


This section includes Catering, Trade Stands, Food Hall & Craft Marquee Exhibitors.

All Traders will have contact information held on our database for the purpose of correspondence.  .  Paper copies of application forms will be kept until after the current year’s show, after which they will be destroyed.

For adverting purposes Traders are listed on our website and Social Media, as well as in the Show Guide.  Details will also be given to the press for their Show Features.  As part of your Show Package you may have a link to your own website.

Local Authorities also require Contact details:  Contact details of all serving food and drink at the show, either for sale or as hospitality, will automatically have their details sent to the local Environmental Health Officer.  Trading Standards and HSE may also request details from us on traders.


Contact details for suppliers will be held until no longer relevant.  This is for contact purposes and may be shared with other Shows looking for recommendations.


Contact details will be kept for the purpose of correspondence.  A record will also be kept of Classes Sponsored.   These will be listed in the Show Guide and on the Website/Social media. 

Paper copies of forms will be kept until after the current year’s show, after which it will be destroyed.


Contact details will be kept for the purpose of correspondence.  Advertising choices will be kept for Admin purposes and records.

Paper copies of forms will be kept until after the current year’s show, after which it will be destroyed.


On our website there are a number of links to Third Party Websites.  These websites have their own Privacy Polices and the Society cannot be held responsible for any liability for these policies.